Meet Sarah Schaffer, Bond Studios' Founder & CEO. She's done a few cool things during her career:
🖊 reporting for newspapers
💋 publishing glossy magazines
💪 building A-teams for agencies
🐢 teaching journalism Philip Merrill College of Journalism - University of Maryland
📚 transforming content for nonprofits and b-corps
⬆ launching products for Fortune 500s
🌃 marketing major American cities
✨ rebranding leading museums
🎤 leading global comms for c3s and c6s
After 20-plus years, she brought allllll those incredible experiences together to launch our studio, an independent creative agency built to serve brands and businesses large and small.
Using journalistic principles as a North Star, Sarah created Bond to give our purpose-led clients a better way to build connections to modern culture. Her vision: create compelling stories that build community.